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Unit Testing

This library provides an implementation of the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) ⧉ for YAMLScript.

It's a really clean way to write unit tests for your YAMLScript code.

Here's an example of a simple test file (test-1.t):

#!/usr/bin/env ys-0

require ys::taptest: test done

hash1 =::
  foo: one
  bar: two

hash2 =::
  bar: three

- name: Test merge
  code: hash1.merge(hash2)
    foo: one
    bar: three

- name: Count keys
  code: hash1.keys().count()
  want: 2

done: 2     # Make sure we ran 2 tests

We can run this test file with the common prove command:

$ prove -v test-1.t
test-1.t ..
ok 1 - Test merge
ok 2 - Count keys
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=2,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.00 sys +  0.01 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.02 CPU)
Result: PASS

Tests are defined as a simple YAML sequence of mappings, one for each test. The test functions takes this sequence and runs each test in order.

TAP needs to know that all the tests you intended to run were run. You can do this by calling the plan function beforehand with the number of tests you intend to run, or by calling the done afterwards with the number of tests you intended to run. You can also call done with no arguments (done:) to indicate that all tests were run.

Test Mappings

Each test mapping has certain keys that determine how the test is run.

You must specify code or cmnd for each test. This indicates either the YAMLScript code to run or the CLI command to run.

You must specify one of want, like or have for each test. This indicates how the result should be tested.

Here are the test mapping keys you can use in a test:

  • name — The name/description of the test. This is optional.

  • code — The YAMLScript code to run for the test.

  • cmnd — The CLI command to run for the test.

  • want — The exact expected result of the test.

  • like — A regex pattern that the result should match.

  • have — A substring that the result should contain.

  • what — What part of the result to test. Can be set to value, error or out for code tests and defaults to value. Can be set to out, err, exit or all for cmnd tests and defaults to out. See below for more information on these what values.

  • form — A function to format the result for testing. The function will be called with the full result data and the current test object.

  • SKIP — If set to true, this test will be skipped. Can be used on multiple tests.

  • ONLY — If set to true only this test will be run. Can be used on multiple tests.

The what Values

  • value — Test the return value of the code. This is the default for code tests.

  • error — Test the error message of the code. This expects the code to throw an error.

  • out — Test the stdout of the command.

  • err — Test the stderr of the command.

  • exit — Test the exit code of the command.

  • all — An object containing out, err and exit values.

The ys::taptest API Functions

  • done — Indicate that a certain number of tests were run. Run this after running all tests.

  • plan — Plan to run a certain number of tests. Run this before running any tests.

  • test — Run a sequence of tests.