Defining Variables and Functions
Two of the most common things you'll want to do in YAMLScript code is to define variables and functions.
It's very simple. Here's an example:
name =: 'world'
defn main():
greeting =: 'Hello'
say: "$greeting, $name!"
To define a variable with a value we specify a symbol name, followed by one or more spaces, followed by =:
for the YAMLScript key (the LHS). The variable will be set to the result of the evaluation of the mapping pair's value (the RHS).
To define a function we use defn
, followed by the function name followed by the parenthesized arguments for the LHS. The RHS is the function body.
Let's see how this compiles to Clojure internally using ys -c file.ys
(def name "world")
(defn main [] (let [greeting "Hello"] (say (str greeting ", " name "!"))))
(apply main ARGS)
In our YAMLScript code we defined 2 variables: name
and greeting
. But in the Clojure code one became a def
expression and the other used let
. Using =:
outside a function uses def
and it's a file scope variable. Using =:
inside a function uses let
and the scope is the remainder of the function.
This is idiomatic Clojure.