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The Kubernetes Effect

In my many years of creating Open Source software and talking about it at conferences, some of the most productive development times are often those leading up to the presentation.

In the last post, I mentioned that I was going to present a 90 minute YS tutorial at KubeCon (November 15th in Salt Lake City).

The conference was amazing and the YS tutorial was a huge success. I came away with the feeling that YAML and YS had found their community. KubeCon felt like YAMLCon!

The Fall of YAMLScript!

(or Exciting YS News for Fall 2024!)


It's been over 3 months since the last blog post here.

Just to be clear, the YS/YAMLScript project is alive and fantastic!

We've just been busy as hell on 2 very big things: Exercism and KubeCon.

To be successful in both of these endeavors, YS needed to be amazing both as a programming language (Exercism) and as a data language (KubeCon).

There's so much new stuff to talk about, and I promise to write about all of it after things get back to a normal pace.

Today let's talk about Exercism, KubeCon and the positive impacts they've had on YS.

Dr. StrangeYAML or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the LLM

Well now, what happened is, uh, one of our data scientists, uh, well, he went a little funny in the head. You know. Just a little funny. And uh, he went and did a silly thing.

Well, I'll tell you what he did. He started chatting with computers... in YAML.

Well, let me finish, Elon.

Let me finish, Elon.

Well, listen, how do you think I feel about it?

YS Spring Update

It's been a while since I let you know what's been happening with YS. I've been busy working on it every day this year and I have a lot to tell you about!

YS Activity in 2024

Let me start by telling you about some of the events that have happened in the YS world recently.

  • Seajure Talk - I gave a talk at the Seajure (Seattle Clojure) Meetup in March.
  • YS Article - The New Stack published an article about YS in March
  • YS Podcast - I was interviewed on the "The REPL" by Daniel Compton in April.

Finally I'm presenting a talk about YS at the Open Source Summit North America this Thursday, April 18th. Super excited about that!

YS Firsts

Remember Your First Time?

Do you remember the first time you wrote a program in a new language? For YS, mine was yesterday!

This is my first post of 2024. I've been working on YS non-stop since the last YS Advent 2023 post. Too busy to write a blog post, I guess.

Yesterday something awesome happened.

Putting out a YS release is a complicated process. It takes me about an hour to do it. Of course I plan to automate it fully but I just haven't had the tuits.

For the last several releases, I've had a text file that listed all the steps so that I wouldn't forget anything. Yesterday I automated that list... guessed it... YS!