About This Website
This website was built using the (OMG it's the best site generator in the
universe!!!) Material for MkDocs
theme for the MkDocs
static site generator, and many of its plugins.
YS Enhancement🔗
While the Material for MkDocs theme is already feature-rich, we improved things a bit more by using YS.
We also use a Makefile
to automate all the
MkDocs build steps like installing Python packages, creating and enabling a
virtual environment, building the site, and serving it both locally and on
GitHub Pages.
All you need to do in the YS mono-repo's www
is run these
make serve
— Serve the site locally (after doing any necessary setup)make publish website=stage
— Publish the site to https://stage.yamlscript.orgmake publish website=live
— Publish the site to https://www.yamlscript.orgmake clean
— Remove the generated filesmake realclean
— Remove the generated files and the virtual environment
So simple!
Generating the mkdocs.yml
MkDocs uses a mkdocs.yml
YAML file for its configuration.
As that file grew in size, we found it easier to manage by splitting it into
multiple files, and using the config.ys
file to include them.
— The main configuration file
— The included configuration files
Certain pages (like library method documentation) are annoying to write because
they require a lot of repeated boilerplate.
We made a tool called mdys
that lets you write YAML data inside of
Markdown and specify a YS function to turn it into Markdown.
If you have the documentation for 100 methods and later you want to change the formatting for them, you only need to tweak the YS function.
A good example of this is the YS Standard Library documentation. Click on the "Edit this page" link to see the source.
The YAML data starts with:
String functions:
- base64-decode(Str) Str: Decode a base64 string
This YAML gets loaded into an object and passed to the mdys-stdlib
The Makefile
takes care of watching any .mdys
files and converting them
to .md
files whenever they change (when serving the site locally).
Working with MarkdownYS in MkDocs is as easy as working with Markdown.