Standard Library
YS has over 1000 functions that are always available to your YS programs without
needing to explicitly import (use
) any libraries.
Over 800 of these can be used without a namespace prefix like str/
or math/
Most of these functions are from the Clojure standard library
, but YS also has the
library that provides additional functions.
This document describes the ys::std
functions and how to use them.
It also links to related functions in the Clojure core library.
In a few cases, the YS standard library replaces some Clojure functions with
a version more suited to YS.
In those cases, the original Clojure function is still available in the
String functions🔗
base64-decode(Str) → Str
— Decode a base64 stringbase64-encode(Str) → Str
— Encode a string to base64base64-points(Str) → [Int]
— Decode a base64 string to code pointsbase64(Str) → Str
— Alias of base64-encode-
blank?(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/blank?
True if string is nil, empty or only whitespace
chomp(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/trim-newline
Remove trailing newlines
chop(Str) → Str
— Remove last character -
ends?(Str) → B
— Alias ofclojure.string/ends-with?
True if string ends with suffix
escape(Str {Chr:Str}) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/escape
Escape special characters in a string
index(Str Str) → Int
— Alias ofclojure.string/index-of
Find index of substring
join([Str]) → Str
— Join strings or seqs with""
join(sep [Str]) → Str
— Join strings or seqs with a separatorjoins([Str]) → Str
— Join strings with" "
lc(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/lower-case
Lowercase a string
lines(Str) → [Str]
— Split a string into lines pretty(Str) → Str
— Pretty print a valuereplace(X) → X
— Alias ofclojure.core/replace
replace(Str Rgx Str?) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/replace
Replace all occurrences of regex with new string (default "")
replace1(Str Rgx Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/replace-first
Replace first occurrence of regex with new string
rindex(Str Str) → Int
— Alias ofclojure.string/last-index-of
Find last index of substring
split(Str) → [Str]
— Likeclojure.string/split
Split on
split(Str rgx) → [Str]
— Alias ofclojure.string/split
Split a string by a regex
starts?(Str Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/starts-with?
True if string starts with prefix
substr(Str Int Int?) → Str
— Substring function with Perl semanticsOffset is 0-based, negative offset counts from end; Optional length is from offset and defaults to end of string; Negative length counts from end of string
text([Str]) → Str
— Join list of strings with newlines, adding a newline at the end -
trim(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/trim
Trim whitespace from both ends
triml(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/triml
Trim whitespace from left end
trimr(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/trimr
Trim whitespace from right end
uc(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/upper-case
Uppercase a string
uc1(Str) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.string/capitalize
Uppercase the first character
words(Str) → [Str]
— Split a string into words (split on whitespace)
See also:
Collection functions🔗
diff(Col Col) → [Str Str Str]
— Alias
Return the difference of two collections
flat(Vec) → Vec
— Likeclojure.core/flatten
Only flattens one level
get+(Col Key) → X
— Get a string, keyword or symbol from a map or sequence grep(Fn Col) → Col
— Filter a collection by a predicate functionhas?(Col) → Fn
— Returns a partial function closed over Col-
has?(Col X) → B
— True if collection has XWorks with strings, maps and sequences
in?(Col) → Fn
— Returns a partial function closed over Col -
in?(X Col) → B
— True if X is in collectionWorks with strings, maps and sequences
omap([X]) → Omap
— Create an ordered map reverse(Col) → Col
— Reverse a string, vector or sequence-
rng(Int Int) → [Int]
— Create a range of numbers or characters, Y is inclusiveIf X is greater than Y, the range is descending
slice(Col [Key]) → [X]
— Get a sequence of values from the keys
See also:
Math functions🔗
add(Num*) → Num
— Alias ofclojure.core/+
sub(Num+) → Num
— Alias ofclojure.core/-
mul(Num*) → Num
— Alias ofclojure.core/*
div(Num+) → Num
— Division function that returns a float if needed-
add+(X+) → X
— Polymorphic addition functionAdds numbers, strings, chars, sequences, maps, sets and functions
sub+(X+) → X
— Polymorphic subtraction functionSubtracts numbers, strings, chars, sequences, maps and sets
mul+(X+) → X
— Polymorphic multiplication functionMultiplies numbers, strings and sequences
digits(Str) → [Int]
— Convert a string of digits to a sequence of numbers -
floor(Num) → Num
— Alias of CM/floorRound down to the nearest integer
pow(Num Num+) → Num
— Raise a number to a power sqr(Num) → Num
— Square a numbercube(Num) → Num
— Cube a numbersqrt(Num) → Num
— Square root of a numbersum([Num]) → Num
— Sum a sequence of numbers
See also:
Infix operators🔗
— For chaining functions (
— Thisfoo:bar
is same
— Foradd+
— Forsub+
— Formul+
— Fordiv
— Forpow
— Forrng
— Forre-find
— Forre-find + not
— Foreq
— Forne
— Forgt
— Forge
— Forlt
— Forle
— Forand
— Foror
— Forand?
— Foror?
Chaining short forms🔗
— Short forvalue.count()
— Short forvalue.last()
— Short
— Short forvalue.dec()
— Short forvalue.truey?()
— Short forvalue.falsey?()
— Short forvalue.boolean()
— Short forvalue.not()
— Short for `value.deref()-
— Short forvalue.DBG()
Print value/data to stderr and return the value unchanged
Control functions🔗
call(Fn X*) → X
— Call a function or valueFunction can be a string, symbol or function
— Idiomatic error function each(Bindings Body) → X
— Non-lazyclojure.core/for
eval(Str) → X
— Evaluate a string as YS codeexit(RC=0)
— Exit the programif(Cond Then Else) → X
— Functional if used in dot chainingsleep(Secs) → X
— Sleep for a number of seconds-
value(X) → X
— Get var value from var, symbol or stringOften used to convert a string to a function.
when+(Cond Body) → X
— Likeclojure.core/when
Binds the result of the condition to the
See also:
Function functions🔗
defn flip(Fn) → X
— Flip the arguments of a function
Regex functions🔗
=~ X
— Infix re-find operator!~ X
— Infix re-find complement operator
See also:
I/O functions🔗
err(Str*) → nil
— Print to stderr-
out(Str*) → nil
— Print to stdoutFlushes stdout after printing
pp(X) → nil
— Pretty print a value -
print(Str*) → nil
— Print to stdout without newlineFlushes stdout after printing
read(path) → Str
— Alias ofclojure.core/slurp
Read a file into a string
say(Str*) → nil
— Print to stdout with newline -
warn(Str*) → nil
— Print to stderr with newlineFlushes stderr after printing
write(path Str) → nil
— Alias ofclojure.core/spit
Write a string to a file
Shorter named alias functions🔗
a(X) → X
— Alias ofclojure.core/identity
len(X) → Int
— Alias ofclojure.core/count
Quoting functions🔗
q(form) → X
— Alias ofclojure.core/quote
qr(str) → Rgx
— Alias ofclojure.core/re-pattern
qw(symbols) → [Str]
— Turn symbols into a vector of strings
Named function for infix operators🔗
— Alias ofclojure.core/=
— Alias ofclojure.core/not=
— Alias ofclojure.core/>
— Alias ofclojure.core/>=
— Alias ofclojure.core/<
— Alias ofclojure.core/<=
Common type conversion functions🔗
to-bool(X) → B
— Convert X to a booleanto-char(X) → Chr
— Convert X to a characterto-float(X) → Flt
— Convert X to a floatto-int(X) → Int
— Convert X to an integerto-keyw(X) → Kwd
— Convert X to a keywordto-list(X) → List
— Convert X to a listto-map(X) → Map
— Convert X to a mapto-num(X) → Num
— Convert X to a numberto-omap(X) → Omap
— Convert X to an ordered mapto-set(X) → Set
— Convert X to a setto-str(X) → Str
— Convert X to a string-
to-type(X) → Str
— Convert X to a string name of its type:"atom"
to-vec(X) → Vec
— Convert X to a vector
Single character casting functions🔗
— Convert to a booleanC(X)
— Convert to a characterD(X)
— Deref an atomF(X)
— Convert to a floatI(X)
— Convert to an integerK(X)
— Convert to a keywordL(X)
— Convert to a listM(X)
— Convert to a mapN(X)
— Convert to a numberO(X)
— Convert to an ordered mapS(X)
— Convert to a setT(X)
— Convert to a type name stringV(X)
— Convert to a vectorL+(X*) → List
— Convert to a listM+(X*) → Map
— Convert to a mapO+(X*) → Omap
— Convert to an ordered mapV+(X*) → Vec
— Convert to a vector
Alternate truth functions🔗
falsey?(X) → X
— True if X is falsey - 0, nil, false, emptyF?(X)
— Short forfalsey?
truey?(X) → X
— True if X is not falseyT?(X)
— Short fortruey?
or?(X X+) → X
— Return first truey value or niland?(X X+) → X
— Return last truey value or nil
File system functions🔗
fs-d(Path) → B
— True if path is a directoryfs-e(Path) → B
— True if path existsfs-f(Path) → B
— True if path is a regular filefs-l(Path) → B
— True if path is a symbolic linkfs-r(Path) → B
— True if path is readablefs-s(Path) → B
— True if path is not emptyfs-w(Path) → B
— True if path is writablefs-x(Path) → B
— True if path is executablefs-z(Path) → B
— True if path is emptyfs-abs(Path) → Path
— Get the absolute pathfs-abs?(Path) → B
— True if path is absolutefs-basename(Path Ext?) → B
— Get the file name of a path, without extensionfs-dirname(Path) → Dir
— Get the directory name of a pathfs-filename(Path) → File
— Get the file name of a pathfs-glob(Path) → [Path]
— Glob a pathfs-ls(dir) → [File]
— List a directoryfs-mtime(file) → Int
— Get the modification time of a filefs-rel(Path) → Path
— Get the relative pathfs-rel?(Path) → B
— True if path is relativefs-which(name) → B
— Find the path of an executable
See also:
Date/Time functions🔗
now() → Instant
— Returnsjava.time.Instant
Security functions🔗
md5(S) → X
— Calculate the MD5 hash of a stringsha1(S) → X
— Calculate the SHA-1 hash of a stringsha256(S) → X
— Calculate the SHA-256 hash of a string
IPC functions🔗
exec(Cmd Str*) → Result
— Execute a commandprocess(Cmd Str*) → Result
— Execute a commandsh(Cmd Str*) → Result
— Execute a commandshell(Cmd Str*) → Result
— Execute a commandshout(Cmd Str*) → Result
— Execute a command and return the output
See also:
External library functions🔗
use-pod(pod-name version) → nil
— Load an external library pod
HTTP functions🔗
curl(URL) → Str
— Get a URL and return the body
YAML document result stashing functions🔗
stream() → X
— Mapping of document resultsThe symbol
at the top level compiles to(stream)
Atom functions🔗
atom() → Atom
— Create an atom with a nil valueatom(X) → Atom
— Create an atom with a value X-
reset(Atom X) → X
— Alias ofclojure.core/reset!
Set the value of an atom
swap(Atom Fn Arg*) → X
— Alias ofclojure.core/swap!
Update the value of an atom
Special functions🔗
source(X*) → nil
— Run a YS file as a Bash scriptActs like
Does nothing in YS. Intended for Bash.
See Also🔗
- The
source code - The
source code