Welcome to the YS Documentation

YS is a still a fairly new language, and this documentation is a work in progress.

While we hope that you find the information you came looking for here, we know that there are still many gaps in the documentation.

The good news is "You Can Help!".

Writing great documentation is a team effort, and we are trying to make it as easy as possible for you to contribute.

Almost every page on this site (including this one!!) has an "Edit this page" button at the top:

Edit this page image

As you read the documentation, if you find a typo or something that is unclear, you can click the "Edit this page" button, make the changes, and submit a pull request.

Furthermore, most pages (and all the documentation pages) have a "Discuss this page" button at the top:

Discuss this page image

If you have ideas on how to improve the page or have questions about the content, this will take you to a YS GitHub Discussions External link discussion about the page (or to instructions on how to start a new discussion for a page that doesn't have one yet).

We look forward to this YS journey together and hope that you will help us make the documentation the best it can be!